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Cokie Jonez 


Craig Truran- Guitar/Vocals


Founder and songwriter for Cokie Jonez, started out playing drums at age 12. His first band in 1974 was an all original band called Narwhale. Quite successful at the time, it started a chain reaction among his friends to make music and join bands. After creating his own style of drumming (Keith Moon) he Joined a cover band called The Accessories and played local bars in the Suburbs of Detroit. Through the years of cover songs, Craig was looking back to his roots of original music. Being a closet guitar player for years he started a 3 piece band called Bompop. With 12 original songs under his belt as a singer songwriter, they played around the Detroit area at various halls, clubs and house parties. With a few years in between bands, Craig continued to write. Now hand selecting some musician friends, formed his now current band Cokie Jonez. Released his first C.D. in 1999 Put It On. And 20 years later, is at it again with his new E.P. Plug It In.

Sadly we lost Craig in December 2019 from Cancer. His music will live on through the current and former members of Cokie Jonez.

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                   Tim Orloski- Bass

Veteran Detroit bad ass bass player.


Paul Dzendzel- Drums/Percussion


Started playing with Craig in Bompop at age 17.  30 plus years later the musical journey bromance continues.  

When he's not playing with Cokie Jonez, he can be found playing somewhere with the progressive rock band Discipline

and  Ancient Robots.

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